
Shakespeare e Henry James

Lendo sobre Henry James no Wikipedia, encontrei essa descrição que Edmund Wilson (!?) faz sobre seu estilo de escrita:

“One would be in a position to appreciate James better if one compared him with the dramatists of the seventeenth century—Racine and Molière, whom he resembles in form as well as in point of view, and even Shakespeare, when allowances are made for the most extreme differences in subject and form. These poets are not, like Dickens and Hardy, writers of melodrama—either humorous or pessimistic, nor secretaries of society like Balzac, nor prophets like Tolstoy: they are occupied simply with the presentation of conflicts of moral character, which they do not concern themselves about softening or averting. They do not indict society for these situations: they regard them as universal and inevitable. They do not even blame God for allowing them: they accept them as the conditions of life.

Mostrar os conflitos sem fazer julgamento moral, aceitando tudo como condições da vida. É sobre isto que gosto de ler. Traz um certo reconforto.
